In Between

I am continually seduced by various materials and keep searching for new ways of working with them. I am interested in the intersection of the masculine and feminine, natural and man-made. I am inspired by natural forms and patterns in my life.

Currently I work in collage, book forms, sculpture, and installation. Collage and books are particularly well suited to express the complicated layered nature of life as I see it. My current works are altered books or books made from found objects. Books as sculptural objects are an easily accessible known object that almost all people are comfortable interacting with. I have found using this form, or references to it, lend an accessibility or familiarity to a work of art. Found objects also carry a history of their own with them which adds to the richness of textures and layers without the need for explanations. Like books, or book like objects, they are often an instant read. In my Mixed Media collage and assemblage works I combine multiple elements (wire mesh, balsa wood, glass, beeswax, flax paper, thistle blooms, vellum, pencil, pastel, and ink), in order to convey the intricacy and chaos of various emotions. In combination, these layered materials represent important relationships or memories for me. These books and pages are a manifestation of my life experiences, thus each piece is a self portrait.

Inexcusable Absence

Photographs and text are from correspondance with Dan Eldon’s while he was on his last assignment in Somalia with Reuters.


Display & Visual Merchandising